When Bringing Your Group, If You Like, You Can Pick A Focus Or Two For Your Time Here.
Service Learning
While at JP, your group will be serving at CCO, an organization that provides housing for people experiencing homelessness. In order to prepare your group, you can use this curriculum: EPIC (Ending Poverty in Community). “The lessons will introduce participants to the epidemic of poverty in the United States and to the steps they can take to work with the poor in eliminating the root causes of poverty today. The curriculum comprises six lessons with classroom-ready handouts, warm-up exercises and reflection activities that reinforce student learning and inspire a faith response.”
Work Project
If you have a small group with particular skills and would like to donate your time, we will waive your fee in exchange for your skilled labor. Contact us if you have plumbing, construction or other skills that you would like to use here at JPUSA.
Intentional Community
The idea of intentional community might be new to some in your group. JP is part of the Nurturing Communities Network, “bringing together more experienced and newer communities for learning and inspiration.” A list of 30 plus intentional communities (including JP) can be found here.
Art & Music
Our community has always had an emphasis on art and music. From the beginning days of Rez Band to today, we have nurtured young musicians and artists in their craft.
Team Building
Living in intentional community means that we have to learn to communicate well with each other. We can help your group become more intentional about building Christian community in their own lives.